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Card, Gwyneth
Category: Speaker, Workshop 1

Gwyneth received her B.S. in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology from Harvard and her PhD. in Bioengineering from Caltech. She has been a Group Leader at Janelia since 2010. Her lab is interested in simple perceptual decision-making and uses the Drosophila escape response as a model system. Her lab combines high-throughput, high-resolution behavioral quantification with genetic, electrophysiological, and functional imaging techniques to assess the neural underpinnings of behavior in ecologically relevant situations.

Cardona, Albert
Category: Speaker, Workshop 5

Albert Cardona studied Biology at the University of Barcelona (1996-2000), where he also completed a PhD in Developmental Biology (2000-2005). After a short stint as a software engineer at the Institute of Neuroinformatics in Zurich (2005) and a postdoc in neurobiology of Drosophila at UCLA (2005-2008), which led to the founding of the Fiji image processing software, Albert was awarded a junior group leader position at the Institute of Neuroinformatics in Zurich (2008-2011) where he developed software (TrakEM2; CATMAID) for serial section electron microscopy registration and analysis of neural circuits, to enable and support his research on Drosophila connectomics. He then was awarded a group leader position at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Janelia Research Campus (HHMI; 2012-2019) where he organized dozens of laboratories world wide to jointly map the synaptic wiring diagram of the larval Drosophila nervous system. In 2015, Albert was awarded a lectureship (2015-2016) and then was promoted to reader on connectomics (2017-to-date) at the Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) at the Unversity of Cambridge. In 2019, Albert moved to Cambridge, was awarded fellowship at Pembroke college, and was awarded a programme leader position at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology (MRC LMB) to conduct research on the structure-function relationship of neural circuits within the newly formed Molecular Connectomics Inititative at the MRC LMB.

Chen, Si
Category: Speaker, Workshop 3

Si is a beamline scientist at the Advanced Photon Source. During her career at Argonne, Si has made a notable impact to the nano-imaging and microscopy. She has lead several strategic efforts including the development of the Bionanoprobe, which is a hard X-ray scanning nanoprobe with cryogenic capabilities and the first instrument of its kind in the world.

Si’s primary research interests and expertise lie in the areas of X-ray microscopy, cryogenic methods, instrumentation and X-ray fluorescence data analysis. With colleagues at Argonne and collaborators from other institutions, Si has been successfully applied the advanced technologies to solve problems in a broad range of studies in the areas of biological, biomedical, environmental and materials science.

Chung, Kwanghun
Category: Speaker, Workshop 2

Kwanghun Chung is currently an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at MIT, as well as a Core Member of the Institute for Medical Engineering and Science (IMES). He is also a Core Member of the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, and an Associate Member of the Broad Institute. He received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Seoul National University in 2005, and then moved to Georgia Institute of Technology for his Ph.D. training under the mentorship of Dr. Hang Lu, where he developed automated and integrated microsystems for high-throughput imaging, molecular/behavioral phenotyping, and cell microsurgery of a broad range of living systems. Following his graduation in 2009, Dr. Chung joined the Karl Deisseroth Lab at Stanford University for post-doctoral training in 2010, where he invented a novel technology termed CLARITY (Chung, Nature, 2013), which enables system-wide structural and molecular analysis of large-scale intact biological samples. In 2013, Dr. Chung established his independent group at MIT and has been leading an interdisciplinary team to develop and apply novel methods for holistic understanding of large-scale complex biological systems. His group has developed a host of technologies (SWITCH [Cell, 2015], Stochastic Electrotransport [PNAS, 2015], MAP [Nature Biotechnology, 2016], SHIELD [Nature Biotechnology, 2019], ELAST [Nature Methods, 2020]) that enable rapid and scalable 3D imaging and phenotyping of both animal models and human clinical samples. Chung was the recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) 2019, the NIH New Innovator Award 2016, the Mcknight Technological Innovations in Neuroscience Award 2016, the Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering Award 2015, the NARSAD Young Investigator Award 2015, the Yumin Awards for Creativity 2014, the Searle Scholars Award 2014, and the BWF Career Award at the Scientific Interface 2012.

Churchland, Anne
Category: Discussant, Workshop 1

Anne Churchland is a Professor in Neurobiology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. She began her independent research career at Cold Spring Harbor in 2010. The focus of her laboratory is understanding how auditory and visual stimuli are processed by the brain and used to guide decision-making. She combines experimental work with theoretical analysis approaches to make inroads into understanding these decisions. She is also co-founder and executive board member of the International Brain Laboratory, is on the Advisory Committee to the Director of the National Institutes of Health, and was a member of the BRAIN2.0 Working Group.

da Costa, Nuno
Category: Speaker, Workshop 2

Nuno Maçarico da Costa is an Associate Investigator in the Neural Coding department. He co-leads the EM connectomics project in its efforts map the wiring diagram of the neocortex and its functional connectivity. Nuno graduated in Biology from the Faculty of Science of the University of Lisbon. Afterwards he moved to Copenhagen, Denmark, where he studied the interactions between the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex in rats. After this period, Nuno returned to Portugal and joined the Doctoral Program in Biology and Medicine of the Gulbenkian Foundation. He performed his doctoral research in the Institute of Neuroinformatics in Zurich and obtained a PhD degree in Natural Sciences from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. During his PhD he described the fine structural detail of the thalamocortical pathway to cat visual cortex using light and electron correlated microscopy.

Dorkenwald, Sven
Category: Speaker, Workshop 5

Sven Dorkenwald is currently a PhD student in the Seung Lab at Princeton University. In hisPhD he is working on​​bridging the gap between building connectomics datasets and theiranalysis by developing systems, infrastructure and machine learning methods. Together withcollaborators at the Allen Institute for Brain Science, Sven developed a proofreading andannotation infrastructure that has been used to host four connectomics datasets and is usedto run FlyWire. FlyWire.ai is an online community for proofreading neural circuits in a wholefly brain based on the FAFB EM dataset.

Dulac, Catherine
Category: Speaker, Workshop 1

Dr. Dulac is the Higgins Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology and the Lee and Ezpeleta Professor of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University.

Catherine Dulac wants to understand the molecular, neuronal, and circuit basis of instinctive social behaviors. Dulac and her team apply molecular, genetic, and optical techniques in their investigations of the social brain, using the mouse as a model organism. Some of the team’s projects include identifying: the neuronal circuits underlying pheromone signaling in mating behaviors; the circuits underlying parental behavior and pup-directed aggression based on the animal’s sex and physiological state; the role of the amygdala in social and defensive behavior; and genomic imprinting in the developing and adult mouse brain.

Dyer, Eva
Category: Speaker, Workshop 5

Eva Dyer is an Assistant Professor in the Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University. Dr. Dyer works at the intersection of neuroscience and machine learning, developing machine learning approaches to interpret complex neuroscience datasets, and designing new machine intelligence architectures inspired by the organization and function of biological brains. Dr. Dyer completed all of her degrees in Electrical & Computer Engineering, obtaining a Ph.D. and M.S. from Rice University, and a B.S. from the University of Miami. She is the recipient of a Sloan Fellowship in Neuroscience, an NSF CISE Research Initiation Initiative Award, an Allen Institute for Brain Science Next Generation Leader Award, and was recently awarded a McKnight Award for Technological Innovations in Neuroscience.

Engert, Florian
Category: Speaker, Workshop 1

Florian Engert received his Ph.D. in physics from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich 1997. He spent the following two years as a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology in Munich, followed by two more years as a postdoc, first at the University of California. San Diego, and then at the University of California, Berkeley. In 2002, he accepted a position as assistant professor at Harvard University, where he received tenure and was promoted to full professor in 2009.

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