Welcome and Series Overview John Ngai and Harriet Kung
11:08 am ET
Welcome and Introduction Workshop Co-leads: Larry Abbott and Eve Marder
11:25 am ET
Workshop Logistics
11:30 am ET
Speaker Session 1
Each speaker will address three questions:
What issues would you be able to address if you had detailed connectome data that cannot currently be investigated?
Are there conceptual issues that would be approached entirely differently if detailed connectomic data were available?
What would be the value added between having one versus many samples – across individuals, pathological conditions, and species – and how many is enough?
11:30 am ET
Beyond the lamppost: How the fly connectome is helping us to see the whole picture
Gerry Rubin and Gwyneth Card
11:50 am ET
Mapping the zebrafish whole-brain connectome
Florian Engert and Claire Wyart
12:10 pm ET
Songbird connectomes
Michale Fee and Sarah Woolley
12:30 pm ET
12:40 pm ET
Speaker Session 2
Each speaker will address three questions:
What issues would you be able to address if you had detailed connectome data that cannot currently be investigated?
Are there conceptual issues that would be approached entirely differently if detailed connectomic data were available?
What would be the value added between having one versus many samples – across individuals, pathological conditions, and species – and how many is enough?
12:40 pm ET
Connectomics and Computation in the Retina
Steve Baccus and Rachel Wong
1:00 pm ET
The mouse brain connectome would transform understanding of core behaviors & physiology
Catherine Dulac and Scott Sternson
1:20 pm ET
Basal ganglia connectome: Towards an accurate neural circuit model of reinforcement learning
Bernardo Sabatini and Ilana Witten
1:40 pm ET
Q&A session
2:25 pm ET
2:55 pm ET
Discussion Panel
Panel Discussion topic: How important is a whole mouse brain connectome?
Leaders: Adrienne Fairhall, Larry Zipursky Discussants: Timo Bremer, Anne Churchland, Vivek Jayaraman, Jeff Lichtman, Josh Sanes, David Tank
3:55 pm ET
Closing remarks
Workshop co-chairs: Larry Abbott and Eve Marder