Workshop 4: Connectome generation and data pipelines

MARCH 17, 2021

Goal: To identify the current state of the art, challenges and opportunities associated with connectome generation and data pipelines.

Draft Agenda: [Click here to download PDF version]

11:00 am ET

Welcome and Introduction
Workshop co-leads: Nicola Ferrier and Viren Jain

11:10 am ET

Workshop Logistics

11:20 am ET


Each speaker will address three questions:

  1. What are the prospects and challenges you see in scaling your approach (and/or analysis goals in general) to volumes comprising hundreds of petavoxels of imaging data?
  2. What kinds of general improvements in technical infrastructure (hardware and/or software) would mostly dramatically aid in scaling your analysis?
  3. What new frontiers of analysis (especially as may be enabled by, or complementary to, a whole mammalian connectome) are you most excited by? What challenges do you see in pursuing those frontiers?

11:20 am ET

Speaker Session 1 - Volume assembly (stitching, alignment, registration)

11:20 pm ET

Gayathri Mahalingham

11:30 pm ET

Stephan Saalfeld

11:40 pm ET

Thomas Macrina

11:50 am ET


12:00 pm ET

Speaker Session 2 - Automated reconstruction and annotation (segmentation,
synapses, types, compartments)

12:00 pm ET

Michal Januszewski

12:10 pm ET

Julia Buhmann

12:20 pm ET

Nicholas Turner

12:30 pm ET


12:40 pm ET

Speaker Session 3 - Connectome proofreading, verification, crowd-sourcing

12:40 pm ET

Patricia Rivlin

12:50 pm ET

Joergen Kornfeld

1:00 pm ET

Amy Sterling

1:10 pm ET


1:20 pm ET

Speaker Session 4 - HPC, data infrastructure, visualization

1:20 pm ET

Rachana Anathakrishnan

1:30 pm ET

Tom Uram

1:40 pm ET

Eric Perlman

1:50 pm ET

Q&A session

2:30 pm ET


3:00 pm ET

Discussion Panel

Session Chairs: Nicola Ferrier, Viren Jain

Discussants: James B. Aimone, Adrienne Fairhall, Ian Foster, Eugene Myers, Olga Ovchinnikova, Andreas Tolias

4:00 pm ET

Closing remarks
Workshop co-leads: Nicola Ferrier and Viren Jain

4:05 pm ET

Workshop ends